Tips for "Waking up" your Students

Engineering is traditionally and most often taught via lectures, tutorials and laboratories with long contact hours. Although in the recent times, more innovative pedagogies are being employed such as field experiential learning, project and problem based learning, however, lectures, tutorials and laboratories are inevitable in the delivery of any engineering degree programme. With the long contact hours and most of the subjects are hard-science and mathematical based, engineering students often find it hard to concentrate at all times. Thus, understanding engineering students and their preferred adapted learning styles are important.
Every student has their own learning style. According to Felder and Silverman (1988), who have identified that most engineering students are in general - active, sensing, visual and sequential learners using the Index of Learning Styles (ILS) online survey. The model consists of four dimensions - active versus reflective, sensing versus intuitive, visual versus verbal and sequential versus global. For engineering students, they learn by actively trying things out with the help of working with one another; they draw on physical sensation, facts and practice and prefer repetition work; they prefer understanding visually than by words; and they learn by understanding step by step in a sequential manner. The table below shows a summary of the different learning styles.
Complementary learning styles | |
Active - 'Let's try it out' - Process information by physical activity - Learn by working with others |
Reflective - 'Let's think it through' - Process information introspectively - Learn by working alone or in pairs |
Sensing - Draws on physical sensation - Practical and observing - Prefer the concrete: facts and data - Prefer repetition |
- Draws on insight - Imaginative and interpretive - Prefer the abstract: theory and modelling - Prefer variation |
- 'Show me how' - Prefer pictures and diagrams |
- 'Tell me how' - Prefer written and spoken explanations |
- Understand in continual and incremental steps - Linear reasoning process - Convergent thinking and analysis |
- Understand in large leaps - Tacit reasoning process - System thinking and synthesis |
Learning Activities in Relation to Learning Styles
Based on Felder and colleagues' research, the following section introduces the use of learning activities that target the engineering students' learning styles.
Classroom in all disciplines, including engineering can be comprised of both active and reflective learners, and brainstorming is an activity which can be used to engage both types of learners. In organizing brainstorming activities, the teacher will present a question or issue of interest, where students contribute their thoughts. Individually, students may first reflect on what they have learnt and the teacher will randomly select a student to present his/her thoughts; alternatively, teachers may also organize students into groups to brainstorm on the question or issue and selected groups will be asked to present their thoughts.
Since engineering students tend to be active learners (Felder & Silverman, 1988), using clickers and forming "buzz groups" can encourage students' participation and keep them awake in large classes. Buzz groups are formed by 5 to 8 people, where they discuss about a concept of interest and where each member in the group contributes at least one idea in the discussion. Selected groups are then asked to come out to present their findings to the class. During the presentation, the teacher will make notes of their findings on the board and students are actively encouraged to raise their hands to ask questions.
Although engineering students are in general active learners, sometimes they are also reflective learners. To engage engineering students with reflective learning style, teachers may introduce activities such as in-class writing, think-pair share, concept tests and reading quizzes during intervals of long lectures. In-class writing exercises, such as one-minute paper or one-sentence summary, offer engineering students opportunities to think and formulate questions about the material presented (to reflect on their learning) (Felder, 1993). While students usually work on writing exercises on their own, think-pair share requires students to work in pairs to discuss their answers after thinking individually about a question or problem posed by the teacher. This exercise can be best administered in tutorials where there are smaller groups of students. Concept tests also require students to discuss with the person next to them until a common answer has been reached, but unlike think-pair share, concept tests come in the form of multiple choice questions and are administered at intervals of approximately 15 minutes in class. On the other hand, reading quizzes serve the purpose of identifying students who have read the material and whether they are able to get the gist of the reading. Teachers will ask students questions regarding the reading, which encourages students to reflect on what they have read.
As engineering students tend to be visual learners who prefer visual presentation (diagrams or pictures) of materials (Dwyer, 2010), activities like constructing visual lists and drawing concept sketches can help them learn more effectively. Drawing concept sketches encourage engineering students to describe engineering process and concepts through the drawn sketch or diagram. Much like concept sketches, students constructing a visual list are invited to construct the list that asks them to compare views or to list the pros and cons of an issue on a piece of paper or on the blackboard in groups. The teacher will then ask students to analyze their constructed list with respect to some questions related to the list. Selected groups are then encouraged to present their findings.
In addition to being active and visual, engineering students also tend to be sequential learners who are more comfortable with learning in continual and incremental step. In another words, they learn best when given clear, step-by-step instruction. Thus, in a long hour laboratory class, teachers may consider presenting experiment procedures step-by-step, where students are asked to make a prediction of the end result. Such method facilitates engineering students "linear reasoning processes" (Felder & Silverman, 1988) when solving problems.
For further details regarding the activities, please refer to the table below.
Examples of active learning activities | Description |
Brainstorming |
In-class writing exercises | Students can be asked to write a short paragraph to:
Think-Pair Share |
Student response systems (i.e. Clickers) |
Concept Sketches |
Concept Tests |
Reading Quizzes |
Visual Lists |
Buzz Group (McKeachie, 2006) |
For more ideas on how to make your lecture more interactive, see Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning (Harvard University). (n.d.). Twenty ways to make lectures more participatory. Retrieved 12 Mar, 2013, from http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/html/icb.topic58474/TFTlectures.html
Tips for "Waking Up" Your Students
- Be expressive: the use of vocal variation, facial expression, movement and gesture enhances communication and facilitates student comprehension. .Be active: move around the classroom and invite participation.
- Don't overload students, space out activities
- Include an activity after every 15-20 minutes of presentation, which require students to use the information/concepts presented
- Consider spacing demonstrations, student participation activities, and multimedia (e.g. music, video clips or computer simulations) throughout your lecture, to wake up students' attention.
Web Reference and Resources
- Centre for Teaching & Learning (Stanford University). (n.d.) How to create memorable lectures. Retrieved 29 May, 2013 from http://www.stanford.edu/dept/CTL/Newsletter/memorable_lectures.pdf
- Centre for Teaching Excellence (University of Waterloo). Activities for large classes. Retrieved 11 Mar, 2013, from http://cte.uwaterloo.ca/teaching_resources/tips/activities_for_large_classes.htm
- Dwyer, A. (2010, July). Analysis of engineering students learning styles on level 7, level 8, and level 9 programmes. Paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium for Engineering Education, Cork, Ireland. Retrieved 28 May, 2013 from http://www.ucc.ie/ucc/depts/foodeng/isee2010/pdfs/Papers/O%27Dwyer%20I.pdf
- Eison, J. (2010, June). Using active learning instructional strategies to create excitement and enhance learning in the classroom. Workshop presented at the Appalachian College Association's Teaching and Learning Institute, Brevard, NC. Retrieved 8 Apr, 2013 from http://www.cte.cornell.edu/documents/presentations/Active%20Learning%20-%20Creating%20Excitement%20in%20the%20Classroom%20-%20Handout.pdf
- Felder, R. M. (1993). Reaching the second tier. Journal of College Science Teaching, 23(5), 286 - 290. Retrieved 29 May, 2013 from http://cfcc.edu/SACS/QEP/documents/ReachingthesecondtierR.Felder1993.pdf
- Felder, R. M. (1997). Beating the numbers game: Effective teaching in large classes. Retrieved 29 May, 2013 from http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Papers/Largeclasses.htm
- Felder, R. M. (2010). Are learning styles invalid? (Hint: No!). On-Course Newsletter. 1 - 7. Retrieved 29 May, 2013 from http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Papers/LS_Validity%28On-Course%29.pdf
- Felder, R. M. & Brent, R. (2005). Understanding student differences. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 57 - 72. Retrieved 29 May, 2013 from http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Papers/Understanding_Differences.pdf
- Felder, R. M. & Silverman, L. K. (1988). Learning and teaching styles in engineering education. Engineering Education 78(7), 674 - 681. Retrieved 29 May, 2013 from http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Papers/LS-1988.pdf
- Kolmos, A. & Holgaard, J. E. (2008, July). Learning styles of science and engineering students in problem and project based education. Paper presented at the SEFI Annual Conference, Aalborg, Denmark. Retrieved 29 May, 2013 from http://www.sefi.be/wp-content/abstracts/1243.pdf
- McKeachie, W. J. & Svinicki, M (2006). McKeachie's teaching tips: Strategies, research, and theory for college and university teachers (12th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
- Neal, E. (2010). How to wake up your students: Getting started in active learning. Retrieved 24 Oct, 2013 from http://www.teachingprofessor.com/wp-content/uploads/neal-active-learning-packet.pdf
- Paulson, D. R. & Faust, L. J. Active and cooperative learning. Retrieved 8 Apr, 2013 from http://www.calstatela.edu/dept/chem/chem2/Active/index.htm
- Science Education Resource Center (Carleton College). Teaching strategies for actively engaging students in the classroom. Retrieved 5 Apr, 2013 from http://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/coursedesign/tutorial/strategies.html