Engineering Education Journals
Journal of Engineering Education (JEE)
Journal of Engineering Education (JEE), the research journal for engineering education. The journal of choice for 8,500 subscribers in over 70 countries! The Journal of Engineering Education is a peer-reviewed international journal published quarterly by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) in partnership with the Asociación Nacional de Facultades y Escuelas de Ingeniería (ANFEI) in Mexico, Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE), Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), Internationale Gesellschaft für Ingenieurpädagogik (IGIP), Latin American and Caribbean Consortium for Engineering Institutions (LACCEI), and Mühendislik Dekanlar? Konseyi (MDK).
See www.jee.org
Publication: 4 issues per year
Submission: www.jee.org/submissions
Subscription: www.jee.org/subscriptions
Archive: www.jee.org/past-issues
IEEE Transactions on Education
The aims of the IEEE Transactions on Education are both scientific and educational, grounded in the theory and practice of electrical and computer engineering. The scope covers educational methods, educational technology, instructional materials, history of science and technology, and educational and professional development, as well as programs within electrical engineering, computer engineering, and allied disciplines. Manuscripts submitted to the Transactions should clearly embrace one or more of these topic areas.
See ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=13
Publication: 4 issues per year
Submission: www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/es/transactionspolicy.html
Subscription: Free online access
Archive: ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=13
International Journal of Engineering Education
This journal serves as an international interdisciplinary forum and source of reference for engineering education. A balance between papers on developments in educational methods and technology, case studies, laboratory applications, new theoretical approaches, educational policy and survey papers is aimed for. Comprehensive coverage of new education schemes and techniques makes the journal a unique source of ideas for engineering educators who are keen to keep abreast with latest developments in educational applications in all fields of engineering. The journal will cover engineering education news and open debates on engineering education policy related topics of transnational interest.
Some of the areas covered more extensively in recent issues are: CAD, CAE, computer applications in teaching thermodynamics, materials science, electrical engineering, new courses and curricula, engineering management, control engineering, mechanical engineering, engineering design, student evaluation and institutional accreditation.
Special issues on topics such as computer-aided engineering, engineering thermodynamics and engineering design are published periodically.
See www.ijee.ie/
Publication: 6 issues per year
Submission: www.ijee.ie/IJEE_submission_guidelines.html
Subscription: www.ijee.ie/subscriptions.htm
Archive: www.ijee.ie/previous.html
Journal of Professional issues in Engineering Education and Practice
The Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice presents issues of broad professional interest and diverse views of engineering education, and professional practice. Papers examine the relationships between civil engineering and other disciplines and professions, with emphasis on the engineer's and constructor's obligations and responsibilities and resolution of disputes. Topics include engineering education at all levels, professional practice issues, ethics, and history and heritage.
See ascelibrary.org/journal/jpepe3
Publication: 4 issues per year
Submission: www.asce.org/Content.aspx?id=18107
Subscription: www.asce.org/PPLContent.aspx?id=12884909496
Archive: ascelibrary.org/toc/jpepe3/current
Computer Applications in Engineering Education
Computer Applications in Engineering Education provides a forum for publishing peer-reviewed, timely information on the innovative uses of computers and software tools in education, and for accelerating the integration of computers into the engineering curriculum.
The journal encourages articles that present:
- New software for engineering education
- New educational technologies, such as interactive video and multimedia presentations
- Computer use in laboratories
- Visualization, computer graphics, video, and I/O issues
- Computer-based engineering curricula
- Computer uses in classroom or independent study situations
- Use of commercial and government-owned software in education
- Engineering software development and funding opportunities
Papers crossing boundaries between engineering disciplines are welcomed.
Publication: 4 issues per year
Submission: www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/38664/home/ForAuthors.html
Subscription: ordering.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/subs.asp?ref=1099-0542&doi=10.1002/(ISSN)1099-0542
Archive: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-0542/issues
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education
IJEEE is a forum for the exchange of ideas in the teaching of electrical engineering and electronics at university and technical college level. It highlights the use of communication and information technology including the World Wide Web, curriculum design and validation, assessment, and distance learning, as well as presenting new topics and reports of laboratory experiments.
See www.manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/cgi-bin/scribe?showinfo=ip023
Publication: 4 issues per year
Submission & Subscription: www.manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/cgi-bin/scribe?showinfo=ip023
Archive: manchester.metapress.com/content/0020-7209?sortorder=asc
Advances in Engineering Education
The mission of Advances of Engineering Education is to disseminate significant, proven innovations in engineering education practice, especially those that are best presented through the creative use of multimedia.
VisionAEE seeks to define a new means to disseminate documented innovations in engineering education practice through the creative use of multimedia. A peer-reviewed journal, AEE will be permanently archived online. The journal includes descriptions of innovative curricula, courses, and teaching practices both within and outside the classroom that are clearly built upon a foundation of accepted learning science principles. Completed and documented studies are published as full articles; work in progress that shows distinct promise of eventual success may be published as educational briefs. By focusing on educational developments and practice, Advances in Engineering Education complements the Journal of Engineering Education, which focuses on rigorous engineering education research.
See mc.manuscriptcentral.com/advances
Publication: 2 issues per year
Submission: hadvances.asee.org/
Subscription: Free online access
Archive: advances.asee.org/?p=875
American Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE)
The American Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE) welcomes articles that bridge the worlds of theory and practice, identify cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional innovation, and describe educational strategies to address the changing role that engineering plays in society and in driving local and global economies. Articles published in this journal have been downloaded an average of 213 times.
AJEE is a widely cited, completely open access journal that is an essential for engineering education professionals. Articles may include but are not limited to articles focusing on theory as well as those focusing on practice, assessment and mainstreaming of innovative engineering education strategies.
Of particular interest are articles that assess and evaluate programs and strategies designed to promote creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and a commitment to lifelong learning. Other topics include broadening recruitment in engineering with particular interest in underrepresented populations and increasing student retention in engineering programs.
See journals.cluteonline.com/index.php/AJEE
Publication: 2 issues per year
Submission: journals.cluteonline.com/index.php/AJEE/about/submissions
Subscription: Free online access
Archive: journals.cluteonline.com/index.php/AJEE/issue/archive
ASEE Prism
Prism is the flagship publication of the American Society for Engineering Education, a nonprofit association of more than 12,000 engineering faculty members, U.S. colleges of engineering and engineering technology, corporations, and other organizations dedicated to promoting excellence in engineering and engineering technology education.
PRISM is ASEE’s award winning flagship publication and the most popular magazine that covers engineering higher education in the United States. The magazine is read by key decision makers within engineering education and reaches engineering faculty members, administrators, and students in all disciplines of engineering. Over the years the magazine has won numerous APEX, EdPress, ASAE Gold Circle and PRINT magazine awards for both content and graphic design.
See www.prism-magazine.org/
Publication: 1 issue per month for Sep to Apr, 1 summer issue for May-June, no for Jul and Aug
Submission: www.asee.org/papers-and-publications/publications/prism/submission-guidelines
Subscription: Free online access
Archive: www.prism-magazine.org/backissues.cfm
Engineering Education: Journal of the Higher Education Academy, Engineering Subject Centre
Engineering Education is a peer-reviewed, international journal and is freely available via the website of the Engineering Subject Centre and distributed in paper format to all UK university libraries and Engineering departments.
See exchange.ac.uk/journal/index.php/ee/index.html
Publication: 2 issues per year
Subscription: Free online access
European Journal of Engineering Education
European Journal of Engineering Education is the Official Journal of SEFI, the Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs (the European Society for Engineering Education). SEFI is a non-governmental organization whose aims are to develop information about engineering education, to improve communication and exchange between professors, researchers and students and to promote cooperation between the various institutions concerned with engineering education.
European Journal of Engineering Education examines the economic, cultural, and social factors which influence the education of engineers in different societies and provides a forum in which teachers and researchers in engineering schools, institutions and industry can share accounts of good practice and discuss methodology. Technological change constantly creates new demands on both engineers and the educational system that produces them. The Journal contributes to the development and improvement of engineering education necessary to meet those demands. While European Journal of Engineering Education puts a special emphasis on specific European developments in the field of engineering education, the Journal also welcomes papers presenting a worldwide perspective and with an international or intercultural dimension.
See www.tandf.co.uk/journals/tf/03043797.html
Publication: 6 issues per year
Submission: www.tandf.co.uk/journals/journal.asp?issn=0304-3797&linktype=44
Subscription: www.tandfonline.com/pricing/journal/ceee20
Archive: www.tandfonline.com/loi/ceee20
Global Journal of Engineering Education (GJEE)
Engineering Education is a peer-reviewed, international journal and is freely available via the website of the Engineering Subject Centre and distributed in paper format to all UK university libraries and Engineering departments.
See www.wiete.com.au/journals/GJEE/Publish/index.html
Publication: 3 issues per year
Submission: www.wiete.com.au/journals/GJEE/Publish/notes_for_contributors.html
Subscription: Free online access
Archive: www.wiete.com.au/journals/GJEE/Publish/back_issues.html
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education
Engineering Education is a peer-reviewed, international journal and is freely available via the website of the Engineering Subject Centre and distributed in paper format to all UK university libraries and Engineering departments.
See http://ijj.sagepub.com/content/by/year
Publication: 4 issues per year
Submission & Subscription: www.manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/cgi-bin/scribe?showinfo=ip017
Archive: manchester.metapress.com/content/0306-4190
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-long Learning
IJCEELL is the journal of continuing engineering education, lifelong learning and professional development for scientists, engineers and technologists. It deals with continuing education and the learning organization, virtual laboratories, interactive knowledge media, new technologies for delivery of education and training, future developments in continuing engineering education; continuing engineering education and lifelong learning in the field of management, and government policies relating to continuing engineering education and lifelong learning.
See inderscience.metapress.com/content/110841/
Publication: 4-6 issues per year
Subscription: inderscience.metapress.com/content/110841/offerings
Archive: inderscience.metapress.com/content/110841/
Engineering Studies
Engineering Studies is an interdisciplinary journal with an international reputation. The journal serves three missions: (i) to improve critical analysis in political, social, cultural, philosophical, organizational, and rhetorical studies of engineers and engineering; (ii) to aid in building and serving diverse communities of researchers who have an interest in the study of engineering; and (iii) to connect scholarly work in the study of engineering with broader debates and discussions about research, engineering education, representation, and policy.
See www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=test20
Publication: 3 issues per year
Submission: www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=test20&page=instructions
Archive: www.tandfonline.com/loi/test20
International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy
The International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) is an independent peer-reviewed online journal. The journal serves as an international forum that examines topics related to engineering education. Furthermore, it is a great platform for academics, educators, and researchers of various institutions to discuss their research, experiences, ideas, and views in the field of engineering pedagogy at a global level.
See online-journals.org/index.php/i-jep/
Publication: 4 issues per year
Submission: online-journals.org/i-jep/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions
Subscription: Free online access with a registered account (online-journals.org/i-jep/user/register)
Archive: online-journals.org/i-jep/issue/archive
Australasian Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE)
The Australasian Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE) is the journal of Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE). The journal can serve as a forum for engineering academics to discuss and share their views about engineering education related subjects and research.
See www.engineersmedia.com.au/journals/aaee/
Publication: 1-3 issues per year
Submission: www.engineersmedia.com.au/journals/aaee/submit.html
Archive: www.engineersmedia.com.au/journals/aaee/papers.asp (Papers from 2007 to 2013)
www.aaee.com.au/journal/archive.htm (Papers from 2000 to 2006)
World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE & TE)
The World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE & TE) is an international journal established in 2002 at the then UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education (UICEE) based at Monash University, Australia. In 2008, after the closure of the UICEE, the copyright and publication of this journal was resumed in 2009 under “World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE)”.
Along with the GJEE journal, the WTE & TE has also been included in the list of journals generated by the Australian Research Council (ARC) under the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) initiative.
The WTE & TE is included in the Scopus Journal Citation Index, which is one of the products of Elsevier, a leading world multinational publisher of science and health information. This inclusion increases the journal’s availability to a wider community of engineering and technology academics worldwide.
See www.wiete.com.au/journals/WTE&TE/Pages/call_for_articles.html
Publication: 2-4 issues per year
Submission: www.wiete.com.au/journals/WTE&TE/Pages/instructions_for_authors.html
Subscription: Free online access
Archive: www.wiete.com.au/journals/WTE&TE/Pages/back_issues.html
Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE)
Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) is a peer-reviewed journal in computing education. The publications in TOCE adopts a scholary approach to teaching and learning, establishes a clear link to student learning, and appeals to a wide selection of audience from scholars, researchers, to administrators with an interest in computing education.
TOCE covers a wide selection of topics across computing education:
- Traditional computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, information systems, information technology, and informatics.
- Emerging aspects of computing.
- Applications of computing to other disciplines such as computational biology.
Publication: 4 issues per year
Submission: toce.acm.org/authors.html
Subscription: Free online access
Archive: dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=J1193&picked=prox&cfid=253005723&cftoken=12683112